What Does Rosehip Seed Oil Do for Your Skin?
In this day and age of skincare hypes, we are on a quest to make sure you always understand what you are putting on your skin. One of these skincare “hypes” is this ingredient: rosehip seed oil. “Now With Rosehip Seed Oil!” or “Now With 5% More Rosehip Seed Oil!” decorate bottles and balm cases. Now, let’s go straight to the point and ask, “What does rosehip seed oil do for your skin?
What is Rosehip Seed Oil?
This is not just a fancy name for a hyped synthetic oil. Rosehip seed oil is harvested mainly from rose hips, which are what is left after all the rose petals have fallen off. However, they may also be harvested from rose seeds. Often they are harvested from a combination of both. The natural oils are very carefully pressed from these.
What Does Rosehip Seed Oil Do?
Rosehip seed oil contains various vitamins that add to the health of the body, but its uniqueness comes out because it has essential fatty acids. It may seem like “essential” does not belong in the same phrase with “fatty” and “acids,” but there are such healthy fats. They are mainly responsible for boosting skin health through tissue regeneration and cellular healing.
As a plant, rose hips are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin F, and even Vitamin E. Vitamin C and Vitamin E, especially, are considered vitamins rich in antioxidant properties. While you can always work to restore your skin (and that might be your present goal), it needs all the protection it can get. When free radicals from the sun or from pollution reach your skin, the antioxidants in your rosehip seed oil will bind with them and prevent them from damaging you.
How Can You Use Rosehip Seed Oil?
Rosehip seed oil is not an essential oil, to be blended and sold as a perfume. It can be applied directly to your face, with 2-3 drops of oil being sufficient. It is also quickly absorbed into the skin. Should you want something you can take internally, rosehip tea approaches the problem in the same way. The same qualities that make it an excellent moisturizer also come out when you drink rosehip oil in tea.
While rosehip oil is healthy to apply directly to your skin, first judge the current state of your skin. Healthy or not, it is still an oil. If you have a daughter, son, sister, or brother using rosehip seed oil, make sure they do not apply it directly to any section with acne. This may make the current situation worse. Instead, allow for their skin to heal and dry before boosting it with the oil.
How Long Can You Keep Rosehip Seed Oil?
If you are planning to invest in rosehip seed oil, consider that it actually has a sense of an expiry date. When blended with additional Vitamin E, this seed oil can last for 2 years on your shelf. However, without using, it will spoil in 6 months. Make sure you use it regularly to avoid having to throw it away without using.
To Rosehip or Not to Rosehip?
In plain truth, you need the qualities of rosehip seed oil. It both protects your skin and helps in the skin’s healing and growth, very important details. We’re not saying you should always have it. What we’re saying is that when you see labels on rosehip seed oils, that product is on the right track.