How to get rid of cystic acne – no matter how deep, painful & persistent
Frustrated with those deeply penetrating red bumps, we’re sharing how to get rid of cystic acne.
Even if cystic acne has been persistent in your teen or adult years…
Even if you’ve been to the dermatologist and tried countless treatments…
Don’t give up hope. Know that every cream, cleanser or funky-smelling gel you’ve tried has led you to find what didn’t work so you can be here now, browsing options that could be a game-changer.
In this blog, we’re going to dive into:
- Cystic acne causes – where does this come from anyhow?!
- A startling cause of acne…almost no one considers
- The proven formula that’s transformed 1000s of peoples’ skin
Definition + Cystic acne causes
Having regular acne is one thing. Whiteheads. Blackheads. These don’t make us feel especially confident.
For starters, let’s confirm the difference between this acne and other varieties.
What is cystic acne?
Cystic acne, as shared by Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, is acne that’s deeply buried into the skin. It’s like an infection within your skin, that gets infected, red and irritated.
Where is cystic acne?
Cystic acne can be in many places but is most commonly found around the chin and jawline. The reason is that the large number of oil glands surrounding this area makes it more prone to the cystic breakouts.
But why?! The top cystic acne causes
There are a variety of root reasons and factor that contribute to cystic acne. Here are some of the top, most common culprits.
Hormonal changes
This is why there are often surges around certain times of the month for women
Harsh chemicals
Even acne products meant to heal acne can actually do the reverse in the long-term and provoke acne. Strong chemicals in most common beauty products may strip away some acne at first, but, over-time the irritation from harsh ingredients your body doesn’t recognize will lead to MORE acne. (That’s why it’s so important to shift into more vegan beauty products that naturally heal.)
Foods can be a factor, as certain ones can trigger your skin to react. Some of the common “triggers” can be dairy and gluten.
A shocking factor? Digestion
We’ll get more into your gut and why it affects cystic acne in a few moments.
Not applying deep-absorbing treatments
Many “spot creams” only kill bacteria on the surface. Since this form of acne is a deep-down cyst, only deeply penetrating treatments will work. We’ll touch more on the best, natural options for this detoxing and healing in a few moments.
For example, these Vitamins deeply penetrate and heal from inside out when applied directly onto your face → How to have beautiful skin, with these 4 Vitamins
How to clear up cystic acne, nature style
Now that we’ve reviewed what is cystic acne and the most common contributors, let’s get into specific ways to go from despising those red chin bumps to smiling at far more clear, glowing skin.
Use apple cider vinegar
This common household item is fantastic to balance out your skin, especially when hormones are acting up. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Apply morning and night. The smell may be odd but keep an eye on results!
Try sipping celery juice
A trend has taken hold in recent years for drinking celery juice. When made into a juice (either with a juicer or blending + straining with a cheesecloth), all the goodies within are compacted. In particular, celery’s powerful antioxidants are concentrated and help to flush out your body.
Because celery juice is an anti-inflammatory, it also helps to calm red, painful inflammation throughout your body – including acne in your skin.
A potentially effective strategy is to sip the juice, purely with no other additives, each morning before eating anything.
(We do recommend consulting with doctor before doing too much juicing.)
Address your gut
First, it’s important to know our skin is an elimination organ.
If skin is popping up with cystic acne, one factor can be digestive issues. A lot of standard foods in the modern diet back up the body and cause a literal plaque along your intestines.
Why digestion can cause face breakouts
As bad bacteria builds up, toxic gases and byproducts can exponentiate.
If this waste begins to leak out, those no-good toxins and bacteria can get into the bloodstream and into the lymph. If the lymph system isn’t getting enough movement?
Toxins get filtered out through…the skin. This often leads to painful, cystic style acne.
Although this might not be the most, well, classy conversation, here’s the truth.
Increasing bowel movements is a fantastic step to getting clear skin.
Moving bowels and lymph gets toxins away from gut and out of your body.
The #1 ways to help gut health and lymphatic system function better?
Incredible Youtuber, Organic Olivia, shares these insights for flushing out system in order to have clearer skin with less cystic acne:
- Get your body moving, exercising regularly and stretching throughout day to make sure lymph is moving fluidly – rather than getting stagnant and releasing into your skin
- Up fiber intake in order to up the body movement
- Add more warm liquids to your diet, such as with meals. This may be a soup appetizer or warm tea after eating.
Try to get LPS out of your body
First…LPS? It’s a bacteria that may be one of your cystic acne causes.
“Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxins are part of harmful Gram-negative bacteria…shown to wreak havoc on the gut and skin…
LPS is also associated with acne vulgaris. (cystic acne)”.
The good news is you can actively work to decrease LPS by avoiding certain things and trying to up other items. The following trigger higher levels of potentially-cystic-acne-causing LPS:
- Meals that are higher in unhealthy fat
- Alcohol
- Stress (For example, a study had women do a mock interview, as if they were going out for a job. After it involved a difficult task, LPS levels were up.)
- Loneliness, such as social isolation
- Smoking
In contrast, according to one study, omega 3s decreased the levels of LPS in the body.
Fantastic ways to up Omega 3s, to decrease LPS?
Eat more spinach, seafood, beans, nuts, seeds and broccoli!
The problem with antibiotics
If you’ve been the dermatologist, you may have been prescribed an antibiotic. While taking an antibiotic can temporarily relieve symptoms, however, this approach acts more as a temporary band-aid versus addressing roots of the problem.
In addition, the more your body is packed with antibiotics, the less effective they may be later when you want them to fight other types of health viruses or immune challenges.
This is why it’s best to be as natural as possible vs. trying more pills or band-aid type medications.
Why harsh cleansers & creams only work temporarily
As mentioned earlier, most common beauty products have a shocking level of chemicals. In the first few weeks or months, the acne may be toned down momentarily. However, in the long run, chemicals irritate the skin and wreak more havoc in the months and years to come.
When the skin is soothed with the right essential oils and vitamins, your body knows exactly what they are and how to process them.
How to overcome cystic acne causes, naturally
The sooner you switch to a (truly) natural option, your cystic acne will be retreating like a bear into the woods.
Here’s a proven formula that’s been known to soothe skin like acne sufferers have never seen before → The vegan moisturizer that’s so good for those with cystic acne.